Individual Therapy


Individual Therapy (at times called psychotherapy or talk-therapy) is a process through which a person works one-on-one with a trained therapist in a safe, caring and confidential environment. It can be used to treat past, current or forseeable challenges in life. If you're looking for an opportunity to explore your thoughts and emotions or even unwanted painful memories  so that you can finally have freedom over the internal battle, then individual therapy may be right for you.



How many sessions should I expect?

  • It depends. I prefer to tailor each clients counseling journey based off of the specific goals and process. Sessions could be completed in 4-6 weeks, while others session may last several years. Together, we will determine how many sessions to expect.

  • What happens if I miss a session?

    • I understand life is happening outside of counseling and you may have to miss a session. I just ask two things: 1. This is a commitment and those that treat it as a priority often more satisfied at the conclusion of treatment. 2. Please provide a 24-hour notice as this hour has been set aside for you and I can't make money if you cancel homie. Straight up.

  • Can I take a break from therapy?

    • Yes. However, let's talk about the reason behind the break (which could vastly range). We would want to get a plan in place. We can discuss things that will ensure that you are safe and secure. We will even set a date so we both can anticipate the return.

  • Can I bring someone with me?

    • I always welcome others to join your session as a support. However, keep in mind that if the sessions become more family or couples in nature, the appropriate billing will be requested. We will discuss this before any charge are made.

  • Why are sessions so expensive?

    • Similar to seeing a physician, a physical therapist, an attorney or a masseuse, counseling is an investment. Whether you are investing in yourself or in a marriage or relationship, you are investing in you mental and emotional health. Additionally, I am a qualified and trained professional that invest time in continuing education to ensure my clients are receiving the best services or return on their investment.